Warning: Major Rant and Venting Post...look away if you must.
Okay, so the debates went last night. My opinion has not changed...Palin is so odd. The way she talks to the American people is so annoying. Who WINKS at the camera during a Vice Presidental debate, how unprofessional! We're not idiots and don't treat us like that. Unreal. And every time she said "I-rack" and "I-ran" I just cringed. If you cannot even say the names of countries properly, then you should not be VP or Pres. Biden did well, he's a bit dry, but at least he spoke "up" to the people and did not treat them like morons.
One of the things that just irks me beyond belief is the way that the media and politicians treat Americans like they are too stupid to understand what's going on. Don't talk down to me. Even those citizens who do not have a higher education have common sense and know what's right and wrong and trying to be "joe six pack" and a "hockey mom" (you bet'cha) doesn't set higher expectations on the pubic to really inform themselves and not to be lazy and just take whatever you're told and accept it. *ugh* I am so not an anarchist, but my gosh people, pull your head out and ask the tough questions! The only thing I would disagree with Biden on is his knowledge about Hezballah and the elections in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. He said that France kicked Hez out...? Huh??? Hez has been in Lebanon since the early 80s and has never left; in fact, they are the ones who pushed Israel out of southern Lebanon and the only ones who were able to defend Lebanon during the 2006 onslaught by Israel. They are part of the government because legally, according to their constitution, they are the ones who are supposed to hold the Presidency because the Shi'a have the majority. They haven't pushed for a census, but they could. They are allied with Christian groups (Gen Aoun) and have done more to provide social support to the people of Lebanon than the state ever has. So until you fix the ability of the state to provide these services, build a strong army incoporating Hez into the special forces, and treat all confessional groups fairly, you will have some major problems in Lebanon. (There is also the "tiny" issue of the Palestinian refugees as well...that needs to be taken care of).
Secondly, the elections in Palestine were one of the most free and fair in the Middle East in history. The people had two choices, Fatah (corrupt) or Hamas (Islamist but not corrupt); with choices like that, should it be any suprise that Hamas won? It wasn't a case of oh, we want to be Islamist, in fact, most Palestinians just want the oppotunity to practice their religion (Christian, Jewish or Muslim) in the way they see fit, not necessarily to copy Hamas's way of worshipping; however, again, we go back to who provides social services, who has been there for the people and who has not been corrupt?! This isn't rocket science people...this isn't something as simple as "oh that's the way they are," it a basic issue of social services and a desire to exercise the democratic right to choose your leader, whatever the outcome. Biden said something about not allowing elections because Hamas would win; well what the hell is up with that? So we only promote democracy in places where the outcome is what we want it to be?? Hello? How is that fair? Talk about a lack of credibility; an honest broker can express their dissatisfaction, but ultimately, it's up to the people to choose their leader, whatever the outcome might be. Just based on social science and social movements, any violent group put into political power will moderate to some extent. Look at Israel, they declared themselves a state after conducting terror acts and become moderated after they took power, the IRA, ANC...the list goes on. Democracy means respecting the outcome of free and fair elections, regardless of whether or not you like the outcome.
Both candidates have a serious lack of knowledge about the Middle East and Central Asia and the world in general; I'm just disappointed and very pessimistic about the next four years either way. I already voted absentee so my vote is done; Obama all way kid. But, I guess I still want to gripe. What would life be in America if you couldn't gripe?! It just wouldn't be the same. :-)
Vent: Complete.
Compare and Contrast
6 years ago
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