Friday, October 31, 2008


Four days and counting
Until the Madness is done
The hatred spinning
out of control
Seeking out every nook
and Cranny of sanity
I've had enough of the vanity

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

'Arab' is NOT a Dirty Word!

Thank God someone FINALLY spoke out!!

Commentary: So what Obama were a Muslim or an Arab?
Story Highlights

Campbell Brown says McCain right to set the record straight about Obama
We've all been too quick to accept that calling someone Muslim is a slur, she says
Brown asks why being an Arab-American should be a disqualifier for higher office
We need to distinguish between radical Muslims and the rest, she says

By Campbell BrownCNN

Editor's note: Campbell Brown anchors CNN's "Campbell Brown: Election Center" at 8 p.m. ET Mondays through Fridays. She delivered this commentary during the "Cutting through the Bull" segment of Monday night's broadcast.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- You may find it hard to believe that this remains an issue in this campaign, but it does. The candidates, both candidates, are still getting questions about Barack Obama's ethnicity and religion. If you are even semi-informed, then by now you already know that of course, Barack Obama is an American. Of course, Barack Obama is a Christian. Yet just a few days ago, there was a woman at a rally for John McCain incorrectly calling Obama an Arab:

Woman at rally: I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab.

Sen. John McCain:No ma'am, no ma'am. He's a decent family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That's what this campaign is all about. He's not, thank you.

Now, I commend Sen. McCain for correcting that woman, for setting the record straight. But I do have one question -- so what if he was?

So what if Obama was Arab or Muslim? So what if John McCain was Arab or Muslim? Would it matter?When did that become a disqualifier for higher office in our country? When did Arab and Muslim become dirty words? The equivalent of dishonorable or radical?

Whenever this gets raised, the implication is that there is something wrong with being an Arab-American or a Muslim. And the media is complicit here, too. Watch Campbell's commentary »
We've all been too quick to accept the idea that calling someone Muslim is a slur.

I feel like I am stating the obvious here, but apparently it needs to be said: There is a difference between radical Muslims who support jihad against America and Muslims who want to practice their religion freely and have normal lives like anyone else.

There are more than 1.2 million Arab-Americans and about 7 million Muslim-Americans, former Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, successful business people, normal average Americans from all walks of life.

These are the people being maligned here, and we can only imagine how this conversation plays in the Muslim world. We can't tolerate this ignorance -- not in the media, not on the campaign trail.

Of course, he's not an Arab. Of course, he's not a Muslim. But honestly, it shouldn't matter.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer.

All AboutBarack ObamaJohn McCainRacial Issues

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's Get...Creative!

So I signed up for a beginner's belly dancing class! I was watching a documentary on the DOC channel about Julliard's senior year dance class and it inspired me to start dancing again. I used to dance, when I was much younger; jazz, ballet and tap...but that was years ago! I have always loved to dance and could literally dance all night if given the opportunity (and a few glasses of wine!). But, I've always been entranced by the eastern dancers...the music, the costumes, the graceful carriages, so I thought, why not?! My husband, being Arab-American, appreciates the art but says there's more senstivity when it comes to dancing for patrons in a restaurant or to enterain for money. I'm just doing it for exercise and for fun so it'll be a blast.

I also want to get back to painting and drawing. I love grandmother is an artist and I love painting; I used to do it more often, but I really got away from it. You know, thinking about it; I got away from a lot of my creativity once I joined the military (go figure). I'm glad I'm finally going back to it. Writing, painting, dancing...I'm reclaiming my right brain!!! I'm chasing out the brainwashing of the left-brained regimental rules-bound cardboard life that I've had to adapt to in order to become successful in the world of the profession of arms.

So, where's my paintbrush....

Friday, October 10, 2008

Down and Out in the Election Twilight

So it's been a long few days, I am SO ready for this election to just be over with. The Republicans are getting desperate, even starting to resort to hate speech and inciting violence at their rallies. I love how their strategists say, "if the economy continues to dominate the discussion, we'll lose," oh, you should just ignore the worst financial crisis to hit the US in years and just hope it goes away?! Thank goodness the election is in a few weeks. It'll be good to get on with life!!

Not much to say today...I'm bummed because one of our rescued turtles is really sick and is probably not going to make it. I'm pretty sure we have to put him to sleep. :(

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Hummus War

Hummus War Looms Between Lebanon and Israel

From the Associated Press.
BEIRUT, Lebanon – The latest conflict simmering between Lebanon and Israel is all about food: Lebanese businessmen accusing Israel of stealing traditional Middle Eastern dishes like hummus.

Fadi Abboud, president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association, said Tuesday his group plans to sue Israel to stop it from marketing hummus and other regional dishes as Israeli.

"It is not enough they (Israelis) are stealing our land. They are also stealing our civilization and our cuisine," said Abboud.

He said his group also seeks to claim the eggplant spread baba ghannouj and tabbouleh, a salad made of chopped parsley and tomatoes, as Lebanon's own.

Hummus — made from mashed chickpeas, sesame paste, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic — has been eaten in the Middle East for centuries. Its exact origin is unknown, though it's generally seen as an Arab dish.

But it is also immensely popular in Israel — served in everyday meals and at many restaurants — and its popularity is growing around the globe.

While Abboud cites a history of complaints by Lebanese businessmen about Israel exporting and marketing Lebanese dishes as Israeli, it's not clear where the Lebanese might file suit since the two countries are officially at war.

Israel's Food Industries Association and the Foreign Ministry both declined comment.

Abboud compares his suit to the one over feta cheese in which a European Union court ruled in 2002 the cheese must be made with Greek sheep and goats milk to bear the name feta. That ruling is only valid for products sold in the EU.

Abboud acknowledged an uphill battle, particularly over hummus — which Palestinians also claim as their own.

"Hummus might be debatable, in any case we will be happy if the Palestinians win... But nobody can even discuss whether tabbouleh or baba ghannouj are Lebanese," Abboud added. "We don't have to win. The important thing is to try."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bollywood and Michael Jackson

One of my favorite music YouTube videos...I love Bollywood :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's my election and I'll cringe if I want to!

Warning: Major Rant and Venting Post...look away if you must.

Okay, so the debates went last night. My opinion has not changed...Palin is so odd. The way she talks to the American people is so annoying. Who WINKS at the camera during a Vice Presidental debate, how unprofessional! We're not idiots and don't treat us like that. Unreal. And every time she said "I-rack" and "I-ran" I just cringed. If you cannot even say the names of countries properly, then you should not be VP or Pres. Biden did well, he's a bit dry, but at least he spoke "up" to the people and did not treat them like morons.

One of the things that just irks me beyond belief is the way that the media and politicians treat Americans like they are too stupid to understand what's going on. Don't talk down to me. Even those citizens who do not have a higher education have common sense and know what's right and wrong and trying to be "joe six pack" and a "hockey mom" (you bet'cha) doesn't set higher expectations on the pubic to really inform themselves and not to be lazy and just take whatever you're told and accept it. *ugh* I am so not an anarchist, but my gosh people, pull your head out and ask the tough questions! The only thing I would disagree with Biden on is his knowledge about Hezballah and the elections in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. He said that France kicked Hez out...? Huh??? Hez has been in Lebanon since the early 80s and has never left; in fact, they are the ones who pushed Israel out of southern Lebanon and the only ones who were able to defend Lebanon during the 2006 onslaught by Israel. They are part of the government because legally, according to their constitution, they are the ones who are supposed to hold the Presidency because the Shi'a have the majority. They haven't pushed for a census, but they could. They are allied with Christian groups (Gen Aoun) and have done more to provide social support to the people of Lebanon than the state ever has. So until you fix the ability of the state to provide these services, build a strong army incoporating Hez into the special forces, and treat all confessional groups fairly, you will have some major problems in Lebanon. (There is also the "tiny" issue of the Palestinian refugees as well...that needs to be taken care of).

Secondly, the elections in Palestine were one of the most free and fair in the Middle East in history. The people had two choices, Fatah (corrupt) or Hamas (Islamist but not corrupt); with choices like that, should it be any suprise that Hamas won? It wasn't a case of oh, we want to be Islamist, in fact, most Palestinians just want the oppotunity to practice their religion (Christian, Jewish or Muslim) in the way they see fit, not necessarily to copy Hamas's way of worshipping; however, again, we go back to who provides social services, who has been there for the people and who has not been corrupt?! This isn't rocket science people...this isn't something as simple as "oh that's the way they are," it a basic issue of social services and a desire to exercise the democratic right to choose your leader, whatever the outcome. Biden said something about not allowing elections because Hamas would win; well what the hell is up with that? So we only promote democracy in places where the outcome is what we want it to be?? Hello? How is that fair? Talk about a lack of credibility; an honest broker can express their dissatisfaction, but ultimately, it's up to the people to choose their leader, whatever the outcome might be. Just based on social science and social movements, any violent group put into political power will moderate to some extent. Look at Israel, they declared themselves a state after conducting terror acts and become moderated after they took power, the IRA, ANC...the list goes on. Democracy means respecting the outcome of free and fair elections, regardless of whether or not you like the outcome.

Both candidates have a serious lack of knowledge about the Middle East and Central Asia and the world in general; I'm just disappointed and very pessimistic about the next four years either way. I already voted absentee so my vote is done; Obama all way kid. But, I guess I still want to gripe. What would life be in America if you couldn't gripe?! It just wouldn't be the same. :-)

Vent: Complete.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Robert Fisk on Riz Khan

Part I

Vice Presidential Debates and Boob Windows

Good morning once again...back to the coffee and the sound of the annoying MSNBC money guy shouting in my right ear. Why do I watch "Morning Joe?" Between Mika scolding Joe like a mother hen and the strange, disjointed programming, I guess it's the better of the three major US media outlets. Feeling better today...just the rumbling sounds of phlegm in my lungs, yeah, I know...thanks for sharing. But, it's good to feel a little better today. I've been sick for way too long. My. Summer. Sucked. *sigh* but, I digress.

So, tonight's the big VP debate between Pitiful Palin and Boring Biden. Can't say I'm too thrilled to watch, but like every other monkey I'll be sitting in front of the TV critiquing what Palin is wearing and belaboring the point that she is an idiot--Biden really just needs, in my humble opinion, to just stay on point, don't get drawn into an emotional discussion and let Palin make an idiot out of herself as she's done already. Thank God SNL finally got behind the whole thing. She really is just Bush in lipstick and I think the Republicans seriously thought the conservatives would just see pretty face and be too charmed to ask the tough questions. At least Katie Couric is finally kicking it in gear and asking the tough questions. I haven't counted, but I think there's been several times that she pushed Palin to answer specific quesitons and she wasn't able to do it. I really think Palin and McCain are going to lose. Obama is better--but he's not perfect either. I just think he's what the world and the US needs right now. A global interesting.

Anyways, I saw this article today on NPR and it just made me smile. After living in Japan for about three years, some of it for school, some for military...I could answer this question about why women (girls?) don't read comics as much--or at least, as they say in the article, the ones that the comic book companies want them to. With impossible Barbie-like proportions, that minute waist with gargantuan boobs, perfectly wide eyes not even symmetrical on the face--strength and assertiveness that would never be accepted in the real world...who knows why a 'real' woman wouldn't want to have one more stereotype or "this is the way you should be"
rubbed in their face? Hmmm...yeah. So, here's the NPR article...I love the "boob window" thing...too funny.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Good Morning...Day One

So I sit outside on my porch, my cat twittering and chattering at the birds flitting past and I'm struck at the fact that I am truly relaxed today. Having suffered from a three month bout with a stomach bug I brought back from Jordan, slipping right into a horrible chest cold and now dealing with a particularly nasty case of constipation, you can imagine how "relaxed" just hasn't come into my vernacular lately. But, in any case, it's good to be writing again. I took some time, okay, not just some time, eons practically...for one reason or another, to not write regularly. I think the biggest part has been my fear, whether it's fear of being known and attached to my thoughts (*gasp* that I really truly have controversial and 'out-there' thoughts like a normal person), or pure laziness...I'm trying to put that beind me and answer this annoying call, nudge, push, whatever you want to call it, to get back into the writing scene. I suppose blogging is better than nothing.

So, this blog is my therapy, my place to go to spill my guts, my hopes, fears, rantings and ravings. Things I say will probably offend, offal and rub you in all the wrong sorts of ways, but honestly...I don't really care. This is my blog and I'll offend if I want to. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the bumpy and quite neurotic ride. ;)